Astrological Philosophy:
I cannot predict your future, but I can read the energies that are around you for the best possible outcomes. I can help with the timing of events and will aim to give you practical and strategic thinking that is useful.

Our consultation is a dialogue and importantly your life is about freewill. Astrology cannot make decisions for you, only you can do that, but astrologers can read your individual map of the stars which was gifted to you at birth, to guide and to give you some ideas that may help you navigate life’s journey.

I am not a counsellor or a therapist. I am an astrologer. Having learned the ancient art of astrology over 30 years, I can provide you with professional and tailored guidance from our deep thinking together and help you explore your direction and purpose in life. My calling in life is to be useful and my suggestions will be practical. My aim is to help.

If you know your exact birth time (as well as date and place) that is super helpful to astrologers. It is not the end of the world if not and we can look to ‘rectify’ the chart. This is intense work and would need extra time.