Explore the stars with Helen at


Created 10 June 2024

This policy set out how I, Dr Helen Barsham trading as collect and use personal information.

This site does not currently provide any means for the collection and storage of such information on any medium.

However, should you decide to have a reading done or take advantage of any of the other services that I provide as listed under Consultancy, you will receive a digital recording of the consultation and on occasions key dates and notes in writing.

These reports are subject to GDPE legislation and will be held securely, and not be shared with any third party. The data will be retained only as long as it is needed in connection with the service I have provided to you, and will be erased in accordance with the Data Protection Act after a maximum period of 6 years.


At present this site does not use any cookies, whether for performance, monitoring, advertising etc.

There is therefore no need for you to give consent and you may freely use the site in the knowledge that none of your activities are being tracked.