Code of Ethics:
It is important to state that your reading is confidential.

Whilst astrology is the most marvellous tool for looking at influences around you, you always have the freedom of choice and the self-determination to make your own decisions. Astrology can guide you, but you are responsible for you, and you must make your own decisions.

I am committed to reading peoples’ charts and I will read for younger people as I have extensive experience of working with them. I suggest that aged 14 and under, this would be done with the parents alone to help their children. E.g., make the best educational choices.

From 14-16 I need the parents to be there for the first 15 minutes and then to return at the end.

16 years-old and over, I am happy to see these young people by themselves.

We will work out the best way prior to the reading.

I will not look at someone else’s chart other than yours unless I have their express permission.

Our readings will be governed by the principles of honesty, fairness, and responsibility.